Workouts For Men At Home

Workouts For Men At Home

Made by Noah


Lets dive into our first blog. The stairwell is a great place to get some exercise. It doesn't take up much space, and it's always there when you need it. But what if your office building just doesn't have any stairs? Is all hope lost? No! There are plenty of ways to get fit without ever leaving the ground floor, so don't let your office location keep you from getting fit.

The Stairs

To perform this workout, you need to climb stairs. If you don't have access to a set of stairs or can't get to one because of your ridiculous work schedule or just because it's rainy outside and all the stairs are wet and gross (I know how it is), you can improvise by stepping on a step stool or using an actual step bench (if there is such a thing).

  • How do I do it?

  • Start at the bottom step, then walk up three steps each time until you reach the top floor. The number of times you climb should be determined by how many times your fitness goals are. For example, if your goal is "climb 60 flights," then go back down after 30 flights and start climbing again from there for another 30 flights until you've reached 60 total floors climbed!

  • What muscles does this exercise work? It works all muscle groups in your body except for those that are attached directly to bones (this means no arm movements). To avoid overusing these muscles during the workout itself, try not to let them move too much while climbing—just go straight up and down with steady rhythm! If anything starts feeling sore or tingly after doing this exercise several times per week without taking pain medication first (which will make everything worse), stop immediately unless otherwise instructed by medical professionals.

  • * How many sets per day should I do? If possible try doing more than one set per day, but always make sure what needs done first before moving onto other tasks. 

The Plank

  • The Plank. There are many variations of this exercise, but the simplest version is to get into a pushup position and hold yourself up on your toes and hands. You can also place your elbows directly underneath your shoulders if you find it too difficult to balance that way.

  • Hold the plank for 30 seconds, then work up to 60 seconds over time.

  • How To Do The Plank: Keep your back straight at all times—don't let it sag or arch up! If you want extra support under your hands, try placing two paper plates under each palm (or simply use two towels). This will keep them from slipping during the exercise.

  • How To Improve Your Plank: If you feel as though you're having trouble doing even half as many reps as we recommend above, try using one of these modified versions instead: Rest one your forearms and make it 20 seconds.


If you need some new ideas for workouts, we’ve got them. The stairs are a great way to get your heart rate up, while the plank is perfect for core strength and stability. 

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